Healing The Body and The Mind

conversation Apr 29, 2020

In this Soulfull Sound conversation I speak with the lovely Birgitta Ronn, who is a solution focused hypnotherapist passionate about helping people transform their lives.

In this conversation Birgitta shares her journey of healing the body through natural juicing to healing the mind through hypnotherapy. She delves into a deeper understanding of the mind, the importance of changing internal dialogue to ignite changes in behaviour and our need for stillness in this busy world.

Birgitta breaks down some of the myths out there about hypnotherapy and shares some tips for self-care and the importance of a holistic approach in healing - body, mind and emotions.

Join us for this exciting conversation.


Points of Discussion:

  • Her story –  from juicing to hypnotherapy (02:50)
  • Breaking down some of the myths out there about hypnotherapy (09:35)
  • The importance of your narrative or inner story (14:20)
  • Tips on how to change your habits (19:50)
  • Her definition of healing? (31:30)
  • What obstacle/s have come up for you on you path so far and are 1 or 2 ways that you have used to overcome them? (36:00)




About Birgitta Ronn 

Birgitta Ronn is a practicing clinical hypnotherapist based in south west London, with a clinic in East Sheen. She’s passionate about helping people transform their lives, seeing them arriving in pieces and leaving in peace. 

Having had hypnotherapy herself years ago she was impressed by the transformative power of the mind and its potential to change unhelpful thought patterns and behaviour. 

As no two individuals are the same, she will work collaboratively on enabling clients to identify what is causing their concern, establish a desired outcome, set individual goals to work towards that outcome. By enabling them to access their own inner resources and capabilities they will be better equipped to manage their emotional and mental state and respond to challenges feeling empowered, calm and in control.

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