Are you tired of not being heard?

Your Voice Holds Tremendous Power—It's Time to Harness It!


Did you know that over 80% of women feel like they are not being heard?

Welcome to a space designed specifically for women seeking to amplify their voices and create a lasting impact. 


You Can Empower Your Voice, Unleash Confidence and Express Yourself Authentically

  • Step into a world where your voice reverberates with intention and clarity.

  • Confidently express yourself in work interactions, romantic relationships, during meetings and with your friends.
  • Experience the liberation of authentically expressing your thoughts, ideas, and emotions without hesitation or self-doubt.

  • Speak up assertively, knowing your voice holds value and influence.

  • Embrace a newfound belief in the influence and significance of your voice in shaping conversations and decisions.

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

Envision being part of a sisterhood of women who champion your voice, where every word you speak carries meaning and influence.


In Just 6 Weeks, You Could…

  • Finally start speaking up
  • Express opinions & ideas with conviction
  • Contribute meaningfully to discussions

Imagine speaking up in that meeting at work with confidence and clarity. Reflect on how different things would be if you could only tell your romantic partner how you really feel. Envision a deeper more authentic connection with your friends by freely expressing your thoughts and feelings.

Come be a part of a group of amazing women who support each other's healing, growth and transformation.


Voice Liberation Women's Circle

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Are You Ready To Reclaim The Power Of Your Voice ?

This 6-week group coaching programme is your dedicated space—a haven where your voice will be cultivated, strengthened, and empowered.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Discover your vocal power 
  • Claim your right to be heard
  • Create clarity and resonance
  • Cultivate authentic communication

Bid farewell to being drowned out and embrace a life where your voice commands attention and respect. Ignite confidence, connection, and lasting change by embracing the strength of your voice.

What's Included In The Programme...


Voice Exploration and Understanding Communication Dynamics

In this transformative session, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration of the multifaceted aspects of our voice. Through a blend of introspection and interactive exercises, we delve into the essence of our communication style, unraveling the layers that shape how we express ourselves.

Topics Include:

  • Understanding the power of one's voice beyond verbal expression.
  • Identifying personal strengths and challenges in communication.
  • Recognising the impact and nuances of voice communication.



Overcoming Fear and Embracing Authenticity

In this profound session, we confront the barriers that hinder our authentic expression and delve into the transformative journey of overcoming fear. Through introspective exercises and empowering discussions, we navigate the pathways toward embracing authenticity in our voice and actions.

Topics Include:

  • Addressing the fear and anxiety associated with speaking up.
  • Building courage and resilience in using one's voice.
  • Exploring authenticity in communication.

Building Confidence and Vocal Presence

In this empowering session, we embark on a journey to cultivate confidence and harness the power of our voice. Through a blend of empowering exercises and transformative techniques, we explore ways to enhance our vocal presence while nurturing our authentic, unique voice.

Topics Include:

  • Techniques for developing confidence in verbal expression.
  • Letting go of self-judgement around the sound of your voice.
  • Enhancing vocal projection and clarity.

Empathy and Active Listening in Communication

In this enlightening session, we delve into the profound qualities of empathy and the transformative power of active listening in fostering meaningful connections. Through engaging activities and compassionate discussions, we explore the art of empathetic communication and its significance in our interactions.

Topics Include:

  • Practising active listening and empathetic responses.
  • Developing emotional intelligence for better understanding and connection.
  • Handling emotions in communication effectively.

Navigating Relationships and Setting Boundaries

In this transformative session, we embark on a journey of understanding and establishing healthy boundaries within relationships. Through insightful discussions and empowering exercises, we explore the significance of boundaries in nurturing fulfilling connections while honouring our authentic selves.

Topics Include:

  • Techniques for setting and maintaining healthy boundaries.
  • Tools for expressing needs and concerns in personal/professional relationships.
  • Addressing conflict and improving communication dynamics.

Integration and Empowering Your Voice

In this culminating session, we embark on a journey of integration, reflecting on our collective learnings and empowering the transformation of our voices. Through introspective activities and communal sharing, we consolidate our growth, empowering each other to carry our newfound strength into the world.

Topics Include:

  • Reflecting on the journey and applying learned skills.
  • Developing a plan for continuing to use and amplify one's voice.
  • Providing resources for ongoing growth and support.

Dates & Time

  • 6 consecutive weeks 
  • 7pm GMT / 2pm EST / 11am PST
  • 2 HOUR sessions
Mark your calendars!

I'm Simone Niles

As a child I was afraid to speak up, afraid of confrontation and so I learned how to stay quiet. The way I knew how to use my voice and express myself was to sing. It became my daily ritual after school to climb my favourite tree and sing to my heart’s content. 

I realised how my voice ‘saved’ me. I was able to manoeuvre life with relative ease because instinctively, I turned to vocalising to help me overcome challenges, release emotions, and invite joy.

One key thing I recognised from my experiences, is that when you are connected to your voice, that unique sound print that only you have, there is limitless potential in your life.

Now I am able to recognise the struggle of others not being expressed, trapped in old patterns and being afraid to speak up, instead of feeling empowered and knowing that their voice matters. I believe that everyone has the right to express themselves authentically. And the cool thing is, I get to use my gift to help them overcome their obstacles and harness the power of their voice.

What Women Are Saying


I would strongly urge anyone who is truly serious in their exploration of self to consider Simone's work, for you will discover so much more than your voice as you naturally allow the layers to melt.


The sense of unconditional love and support I felt from Simone and the other women was moving. I found both the content and the way that Simone communicated it be very potent and relevant. Addressing the nuances of body/mind/spirit/voice with an in depth and razor sharp articulation and explanation. Was so good for the evolution of my soul.


You want to speak with clarity, and use your voice as your competitive advantage in business and in life, Simone is your Coach.


This Circle Is For You If...

  • You're tired of not being heard
  • You no longer want to be the quiet one in the room
  • You want to learn how to speak up
  • You want to use your voice with confidence
  • You dream of authentically expressing yourself

Voice Liberation Women's Circle


Drop your details below to be notified when the next cohort begins.


If you aren’t completely satisfied with Voice Liberation Women's Circle, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund. No questions asked.